World Topics in records
7 years ago

A German Man Just Broke A World Record By Carrying 29 Beer Steins

A new world record for beer carrying was set on Sunday, after a German man carried 29 full beer steins for 40 meters. I first did 27, because I wanted to be sure and then at the end I said, ‘Let’s add another one and get over 30,'” Strümpfel told Reuters. “Unfortunately it didn’t quite work, but having managed to put 29 down...I think it’s amazing.” In ut bibendum purus, eget venenatis enim. Cras feugiat dictum pretium. Praesent sagittis dui et quam vehicula rutrum. Quisque commodo quam...

World Topics in world
8 years ago

Climate Change Debate Heats Up

A variety of experts told California lawmakers Wednesday that the state's cap-and-trade program needs changes if they decide to keep it beyond its expiration in 2020. Cras blandit egestas scelerisque. Mauris ac fringilla sapien, sed mollis justo. Morbi eu lacus vel ex mollis porta. Sed vel felis a ligula elementum auctor. Morbi bibendum, libero et elementum eleifend, mauris arcu hendrerit erat, sit amet convallis libero risus eu lectus. Donec convallis porttitor imperdiet. Cras fermentum...

World Topics in weather
8 years ago

Record Heat Wave Smothers The Nation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi mauris sem, vestibulum sit amet mauris eu, sagittis viverra nisi. Morbi auctor nulla enim, vel vehicula purus blandit tincidunt. Cras blandit egestas scelerisque. Mauris ac fringilla sapien, sed mollis justo. Morbi eu lacus vel ex mollis porta. Sed vel felis a ligula elementum auctor. Morbi bibendum, libero et elementum eleifend, mauris arcu hendrerit erat, sit amet convallis libero risus eu lectus. Donec convallis porttitor...

Day Of Tragedy in blog
9 years ago


Day of Tragedy is composed of former members from different local bands. J-MAN ( Drums/Percussion ) and Kadius Maximus ( Lead/Rhythm Guitar ) from Seven17 who have been playing together for Two and a half years, joined forces with RudyDro ( Lead/Rhythm Guitar ) from DBN at the end of '09. These musicians began writing new and original material from the start. With no intentional direction other than high energy metal. Their original sound was born before they even new it. Five months and...

demoadmin in latest
9 years ago

Rock Lives

PAGE ONE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue. Nam tincidunt congue enim, ut porta lorem lacinia consectetur. Donec ut libero sed arcu vehicula ultricies a non tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut gravida lorem. Ut turpis felis,...

demoadmin in welcome
10 years ago

What Is Jamroom?

Jamroom is a community content management system. It enables you to bring your entire community online to participate in your websites content creation. If you want to build an online community where everyone has their own identity then Jamroom can provide you with the tools to do it. Join our community here and see how it works!

demoadmin in latest
10 years ago

Proxima - Powerful API services

The Proxima profile has just been updated to "public" - today we're moving Proxima into beta!  For those of you not familiar with Proxima (which would be just about everyone), Proxima is a set of modules (and a custom skin) for Jamroom 5 that adds a set of RESTful API services to your Jamroom site, which in turn can be used to power various clients (such as a mobile app, Javascript HTML5 client, etc.) that need to communicate with a server over a JSON...

demoadmin in about
10 years ago

About Us

This is a DEMO of the NingJa Jamroom Skin - designed for users who are currently on Ning and are looking to move to their own platform. Jamroom makes it easy to take control of your site's future!