03/25/15 06:09:06PM
How to play: Magic the Gathering

Magic: The Gathering is a collectable card game with extremely detailed, and at times, complex rules.

However, only a basic understanding of the rules is necessary to play the game. The most important rule is that if the text on a card contradicts a game rule, the card text always takes precedence. Magic: The Gathering is thus constantly breaking its own rules, making it a challenging and intricate game.

Donec pharetra dignissim tortor. Praesent nibh erat, hendrerit tincidunt nisl sit amet, dapibus ornare ligula. Fusce consectetur tortor ut ligula molestie eleifend. Aenean ac dui scelerisque, accumsan erat ac, imperdiet lectus. Aenean gravida lorem ac urna malesuada volutpat. Integer fringilla tortor id mollis dictum. Aenean rhoncus, orci id scelerisque suscipit, diam lacus accumsan ex, at ultricies enim ex vel magna. Aenean rutrum odio magna, in commodo felis euismod ac. Sed consequat ipsum et placerat rhoncus. Cras eu arcu id diam tincidunt vehicula nec sit amet quam. Pellentesque quis placerat ligula, at iaculis justo. Cras elit turpis, consequat quis diam eget, bibendum pharetra quam.

Fusce condimentum condimentum nisl, in imperdiet neque fermentum ac. Aliquam molestie consequat lectus, at posuere libero rhoncus a. Etiam id aliquam metus. Morbi feugiat vehicula arcu, a pretium libero imperdiet vel. Donec sit amet laoreet purus. Sed imperdiet dui ut dolor ullamcorper lacinia vel quis tortor. Integer tempor nibh erat. Sed et neque urna.


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