A new world record for beer carrying was set on Sunday, after a German man carried 29 full beer steins for 40 meters.
I first did 27, because I wanted to be sure and then at the end I said, ‘Let’s add another one and get over 30,'” Strümpfel told...
A variety of experts told California lawmakers Wednesday that the state's cap-and-trade program needs changes if they decide to keep it beyond its expiration in 2020. Cras blandit egestas scelerisque. Mauris ac fringilla sapien, sed mollis justo....
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi mauris sem, vestibulum sit amet mauris eu, sagittis viverra nisi. Morbi auctor nulla enim, vel vehicula purus blandit tincidunt. Cras blandit egestas scelerisque. Mauris ac fringilla...